About Us
Welcome to 64 Leaf Alliance Cigar Club. Also know as 64LA, where the love for cigars unites a diverse community of enthusiasts and accomplished professionals from various industries.
Become a part of a vibrant and inclusive community. Together, we celebrate the rich traditions of cigars, expand our knowledge, support local businesses, give back to those in need, and foster personal and professional growth through mentorship. Experience the true essence of camaraderie and indulge in the world of cigars with us at 64LA.
Cigar Education
Our club is dedicated to providing an exceptional experience and fostering a sense of camaraderie among like-minded individuals. At 64LA, we believe that knowledge is key to fully appreciating the art of cigars. Our club actively participates in events and gatherings where members can expand their understanding of all aspects of cigars. From the history and origins of different tobacco blends to the art of cigar pairing, our events offer valuable insights and opportunities for members to enhance their cigar expertise.
Cigar Network
In our pursuit of excellence, we have established a robust network of cigar shops. These partnerships allow us to offer our members access to an extensive range of premium cigars and exclusive products. We support local businesses and strive to create a collaborative environment that benefits both enthusiasts and the cigar industry as a whole. Giving back to the community is an integral part of our club's ethos.
Giving Back
We are committed to making a positive impact by organizing charitable initiatives and events that support causes close to our hearts. Through our collective efforts, we aim to contribute to the betterment of our community and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Recognizing the importance of mentorship and guidance, we have established a mentorship program within our club. Seasoned members with valuable experience and expertise in various industries such as Aerospace, Technology, Business Development, Sports Coaching, and more are paired with those seeking guidance and support. This program provides a platform for knowledge sharing, personal growth, and the development of lasting connections.
Join us for exquisite evenings at 64 Leaf Alliance events, where aficionados gather to savor premium cigars, indulge in rich conversation, and relish the camaraderie of fellow enthusiasts.
Elevate your cigar experience with us, as we create unforgettable moments in the heart of the DFW area.
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